Student - MBS Clubs
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Mission Welcome to the MBS Debate Club!-----------------------------------------------------Our mission is to help fellow MBS students become great Debaters, critical thinkers, and awesome public speakers.Debating can help with--------------------------------(a) Critical thinking: Learn how to think, and speak about topics that matter in this generation, in a structured manner. (b) Public speaking: Don't we all want to avoid it? But then, don't we all want to be that person on the dais, who everyone almost hypnotically listens to?(c) Academic success: Just debating on a vast array of topics will help you learn about topics you may not learn from any of the subjects.(d) Professional success: Having debated can take you further at other schools (exchange), secure reputed scholarships, and at some jobsWe offer a range of training, and debating opportunities for beginners and experienced debaters to learn to debate and improve their public speaking skills, as well as compete with different cohorts at the school, and also with AGSM in the annual MBA cup.We meet every alternate Friday between 6 pm and 7:30 pm for training, debating, and related practices. Our Slack channel #club_debate is the quickest way to stay aware of training venues, and dates. New members are always welcome, just come along!
Membership Benefits(a) Critical thinking: Learn how to think, and speak about topics that matter in this generation, in a structured manner. (b) Public speaking: Don't we all want to avoid it? But then, don't we all want to be that person on the dais, who everyone almost hypnotically listens to?(c) Academic success: Just debating on a vast array of topics will help you learn about topics you may not learn from any of the subjects.(d) Professional success: Having debated can take you further at other schools (exchange), secure reputed scholarships, and at some jobs
More details required: Can you think critically, under pressure, and then convert your thoughts into convincing speech?
Lifetime membership